Erraticus – erring stone

"Nocturn" granite H65cm Polish sculptor Bogdan Markowski image Jan Szymanowski
“Nocturn” granite H65cm

The exhibition took place in Poland at the castle in Kazimierz Dolny. The exhibition included 29 sculptures made of granite erratic boulders moved millions of years from distant mountains, carved by water, wind and time. Hence the title of the “Erraticus” exhibition in Latin means erring.

"Erraticus" granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland (c) Bogdan Markowski image Grażyna Zalewska
“Erraticus” granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland

“Erratic boulders and stones in general have their weight and statics. Markowski does not interfere and does not change this state of affairs. Often emphasizes these advantages, inherent in material./…/ Prefers granite, I think that it best suits his creative temperament.”
(Prof. A.J. Pastwa)

"Erraticus" granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland (c) Bogdan Markowski image Grażyna Zalewska
“Erraticus” granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland

“What is dominant in the sculptures of Bogdan Markowski, apart from the artist’s obvious fascination with the type of material, its structure and colors, is monumentalism in each of them.”
(Prof. L. Lameński)

"Erraticus" granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland (c) Bogdan Markowski image Grażyna Zalewska
“Erraticus” granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland

“This is not about impressing the viewer with surprising or breakneck attempts to overcome the materiality of the stone in all its meanings. In Markowski’s sculptures, respect for this material is felt, and the humility with which he treats his natural qualities.”
(dr W. Odorowski)

"Erraticus" granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland (c) Bogdan Markowski image Grażyna Zalewska
“Erraticus” granite sculptures, Castle Kazimierz Dolny Poland

“Today, Bogdan Markowski rarely works in wood, he loves stone, he knows stone and feels stone, especially he loves granite boulders, he would not infringe on their natural beauty, but the sculptor’s passion wins with the collector’s love, but he tries not to interfere excessively with the original shape of the stone, sometimes polishes the curves to give them inner tension, and sometimes introduces a predominantly dissonant dissonance of a foreign body, such as a bronze, sometimes giving the oval, broken form an oval shape, the simplest of which I consider to be the most beautiful.” (Janusz Michalik Art Gallery spa spot of Jacek Sempoliński name in Nałęczów )